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Messages : 3362
Date d'inscription : 02/06/2018

Kingdon de Pendlesteam. Empty Kingdon de Pendlesteam.

Dim 1 Juil - 6:56
En vidéo la chaudière Kingdon de Pendlsteam décrite par Roy.
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C'est une magnifique chaudière, bien construite que je verrais bien dans un de mes prochains bateaux! : as :

Nigel nous communique gentiment la description de sa chaudière et sa surface de chauffe = 3dm2.

There are 9 cross tubes giving a total internal evaporative surface area of 300 Square cm. Each cross tube is set 60 degrees to the other to form a spiral with all cross tubes being slightly off centre to allow better heat circulation. The burner is to my own design and is made entirely from brass, fitted with either a no.5 or no.8 jet. The boiler is designed to power engines in the small to medium size range and above all is made to be attrractive to look at. It can be fitted with any size bushes in any position.
Being built with a side mounted burner makes a compact but technically difficult boiler to build. In order to keep the cost down it has to be built with cross tubes - it could be built with vertical tubes but I can see no advantage to this and it would surely make the boiler more expensive.
I dont have a D10 to test but Roy has a similar size engine which he says he will test on. I will ask roy to take a picture of the centre flue - furnace.

On en déduit que la chaudière est bonne pour une machine de 4/6cc avec les paramètres donnés ci-dessous:
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Bonne journée. : ab :
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