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Cartes Pokémon EV6.5 : où trouver le ...
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Messages : 3383
Date d'inscription : 02/06/2018

Le dernier jouet de Roy. Empty Le dernier jouet de Roy.

Ven 12 Oct - 18:52
Il y a du travail.

" Used in the wars for a centrifugal pump
And used by Tether boaters with a flash steam boiler,
As you can see the steam inlet and outlets have been soft soldered in ?
And the top , steam inlet ,part of the casting is brocken off ?
So as they did in those days used what they had to hand ,soft solder.
As you can see I’ve removed the soft solder on the inlet pipe , and changed
The pipe work with silver solder, that’s fine.
But I’m not sure how to repair the broken casting ?"
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KBIO! Dit aussi Garcimore. Parce que si vous saviez.......;-))
Je ne suis pas sérieux!
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